We run carpool
We coach your kid's sports teams.
We volunteer in our children's classrooms.
We are your photographers.
We are your hair stylists, nail techs, and massage therapists.
We are your carpenters, electricians, and plumbers.
We are your farmers.
We are caring for aging parents while simultaneously raising our own children.
We are volunteers
We are people who hold this community close to our hearts.
I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress.
…you believe that all Oregonians should have the opportunity, through hard work and perseverance, to build a more prosperous future for themselves, their families, and their communities, without the excessive burden of government.
…you believe that the U.S. Constitution and the Oregon Constitution are the highest laws of the land, and all other laws must be consistent with them.
…you believe that free market capitalism, private property rights, low taxation, minimal regulation, and limited government intervention are the foundations of a vibrant and prosperous economy…
…you believe that all children deserve an excellent quality and unbiased education and that parents and legal guardians have the primary right and responsibility to educate their children in the manner they choose.
…you believe that Oregon’s natural resources, when managed responsibly, are vital to our state’s environment, economy, and prosperity, and that under the free market system with minimal regulation, individual property owners and local citizens are the best stewards of our natural resources.
…you believe that the traditional family, formed through the marriage of one man and one woman, is ordained by God our Creator and is the foundation of our society and is optimal for raising children to be responsible, self‐sufficient, productive citizens.
…you believe that foreign policy decisions must adhere to the United States Constitution, based upon the security, vital long-term national interests, sovereignty, and well-being of its citizens.
…you believe that families and individuals have the sole responsibility and right to make their own healthcare decisions.
…you believe that legal immigration and assimilation, including the adoption of English as the official language, should be encouraged, and that securing our national borders is essential to ensuring the sovereignty and safety of our state.
…you believe with our nation’s founders that our unalienable rights are endowed by our Creator and that government without the consent of the governed is tyranny and that no government shall infringe upon our individual rights and freedoms nor upon the security of our private communications, transactions, or movements.
…you believe that rules, regulations, and executive orders are subordinate to and must support the laws passed by the legislative bodies, and that they shall not impose undue burden or loss of freedoms to individuals, families, or commerce.
…you believe that all people have the unalienable right to defend themselves, others, their home, and property without fear of criminal or civil reprisal.
…you believe that accountability and transparency in elections are essential to protect America’s election systems.
…you support a strong military as the means to maintain our nation, state, and counties’ freedom, and if you support Veterans, Gold Star Families, the Reserve Component (National Guard/Reserves), disabled veterans, military families, and the uniformed services who are currently serving our country.
…you believe that limited, responsible, and transparent government at all levels is essential.
…you believe that freedom of religion and the rights of conscience are unalienable rights ordained by God, our Creator and are the foundation of our society which no Government can limit or remove.
…you believe that it is an essential role of limited government to provide for public safety through effective preparedness and reduction of disaster impact, both natural and man-made, on the civilian population, infrastructure, private property, and the economy; and to maximize the speed of recovery, prioritizing citizens first and environmental considerations second, and with special attention to the needs of vulnerable populations.
“… to the support of the Constitution and Laws, let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor.”
President Lincoln in 1860 was the first Republican President. He led the United States through the American Civil War, defending the nation as a constitutional union, defeating the unsurgent Confederacy, playing a major role in the abolition of slavery. He was the 2nd nominated Candidate of the Republican party.
Lincoln won in the state of Oregon’s first ever Presidential election, having become the 33rd state on 2/14/1859.
“Oregon is an inspiration. Whether you come to it, or are born to it, you become entranced by our state’s beauty, the opportunity she affords, and the independent spirit of her citizens.” – Tom McCall
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
“You and I shouldn’t claim we love Oregon more than anyone else, but that we love Oregon as much as anyone. Our thoughts today, and our deliberations to come, must spring from our determination to keep Oregon lovable and to make it even more livable.”
Address to the 1973 Legislature
As the Republican platform says, the welfare of the farmer is vital to that of the whole country.
Genuine change happens when our neighbors, businesses, and community are empowered with the tools to influence our political landscape. Be instrumental in encouraging others to vote.
We have a plan and we need your help. Let's Take Back Oregon today! Join us in our movement to turn Oregon red! 31 - 16 - 1
Your Legislators want to know what you are passionate about and what effects you and your community. Help us to testify on Legislation being heard today!
We need your help staffing an Event Booth, Office, Meeting or Event. Help us to create first-class celebrations that represent our values.
It is the role of the Precinct Committee Person (PCP) to represent the Republican Party at the grassroots level for fellow registered Republican voters in the PCP’s respective precinct. You are the heart and soul of the Oregon Republican Party. You are the backbone of the county’s success