Get Involved! Take Action!
Are you tired of the direction our State and our Country are headed in?
Do you want a bright future for America and Oregon?
Are you ready to make a difference?
The Douglas County Republican Party has helped common sense candidates to win elections, contacted thousands of voters, provided information and education to the community, helped the community engage in the election process. Together we can make a difference, come join us and let’s see how we can make our community better.
No matter how you want to get involved, there is a place for you in the Douglas County Republican Party.
Come to a Meeting
The Douglas County Republican Central Committee meets regularly. Find the next meeting time, guests are always welcome.
You don’t have to be a PCP to volunteer. We welcome all those who love this state and country to join us in working for a brighter future and freer state and nation.
Become a PCP
Update Your Registration
The Douglas County Republicans are joining efforts throughout the State of Oregon to cross county phone bank and door knock for the general election. Join our efforts!
If you are currently registered to vote in Oregon but wish to change to Republican you may switch at any time.
For more information, call the Oregon Republican Party HQ: (503) 595-8881.
Take Back Oregon!
Testify on Legislation
The Douglas County Republicans are joining efforts throughout the State of Oregon. We need volunteers to participate in cross county phone banking and door knocking for the general election. Join our efforts! All Hands on Deck!
Fight for Oregon was created to help Oregonians to participate in the legislative process. When the public has the opportunity to engage and have their concerns heard by the legislature, it results in a stronger connection between the people and their government. Here you can choose to receive weekly notices during legislative session that contain links and plenty of information to ebable your voice to be heard in TESTIMONY!
Make a Donation
Observe Elections
Your financial contribution is always welcome. There are a variety of ways your donations help; advertising for Republican candidates, direct financial support and contributions for our officials in their campaigns, providing materials for our volunteers in working on political and County related services, etc.
Your donations are what it will take to change the course our country is on, and turn it around.
There are two ways to make a donation.
#1)By Check: Douglas County Republican Central Committee (DCRCC)
We will be recruiting volunteers to graciously give of their time to observe and take notes of the election observation process. Please be familiar with the Vote-By-Mail Procedures manual and ask as many questions as necessary to maintain a good, clear and transparent Ballot processing procedure.
Below are the forms for the observer agreements for remote and in person observation. Each volunteer should print out and return to the Clerk’s Office directly at the time you have signed up to observe. The forms are also available to pick up at our Republican Headquarters in Roseburg after today.
2024 May Primary Observer Agreement
2024 Primary Remote Observer Agreement
Register & Vote Republican
If you are currently registered to vote in Oregon but wish to change to Republican you may switch at any time.
For more information, call the Oregon Republican Party HQ: (503) 595-8881.
Join one of our Partners

Umpqua Valley Republican Women (UMVRW)
UVRW develops leadership skills for Republican Women.
Annual dues for 2023 membership are $35.
Mail to: PO Box 152; Rbg 97470.
Meet monthly, the 1st Wed. at noon Westside Christian Church, West Harvard, brown bag lunch.

Douglas County Citizens Coalition
This group is dedicated to peacefully working together to protect our freedoms by taking intelligent action, offering real solutions to those in power, standing with each other when needed, and using the constitution and its supporting laws as our indisputable platform.

Save Our Schools
Save Our Schools centers around the PAC created called L.O.V.E. which stands for Locals for Opportunity and Value in Education. We meet at the Republican HQ the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6p.m. As we get closer to the May 2025 Special Election, this will more than likely change to bi-monthly meetings.
Email us at:
Download Our Brochure

Young Republicans of Oregon
The Young Republicans are the first step in politics for many young professionals. Your financial support helps us in our mission to recruit, train, and elect the next generation of Republican leaders across this great nation. Please support us with a generous gift so we can engage and activate more young people who believe in a brighter future for America.

Fight for Oregon
Legislation has over 4,000 bills headed our way. We know your life is busy. Let us keep you informed when you need to testify on bad bill! Our commitment to you is to try to keep you informed, simple and easy, once a week.
We’re in this together to fight for this beautiful state to keep our lives safe and prosperous. Subscribe to our Legislative Alert system today!

Take Back Oregon
Dedicated to helping Republicans across the finish line, let's work together to Take Back Oregon and turn it bright red!
Sign up Today!
Make Your Voice Heard in Your Local Community.
Consider writing a letter to the editor. The purpose of letters to the editor pages in newspapers is to give everyday people an opportunity to publish their views, comment on a recent article and respond to the issues of the day. This makes writing a letter to the editor one of the easiest ways to get your message across to thousands of readers.
Local News Media Outlets
The News Review
The Roseburg Beacon
Readers are encouraged to express their views in the Public Forum on The News-Review opinion page. Letters are limited to 300 words or fewer. A full legal name, phone number and address are needed for verification. Only the name and city are published. Letters considered libelous or in poor taste will not be published. Poetry will not be considered for publication in the Public Forum. Letter writers are generally restricted to one letter every 14 days. Letters may be edited. By submitting a letter for publication you are giving permission to post it on The News-Review’s newspaper and website. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK.
The Roseburg Beacon
950 S.E. Washington Avenue
Roseburg, Oregon 97470
Phone: 541-672-2222
Fax: 541-672-6404
Voter ID in Every State
Voter ID and US Citizenship Verification to Vote!
We make it easy to send an email to YOUR State’s Congressional Leadership!

48 states allow illegal non-citizens to register to vote and vote in their state, and 24 states are guilty of “motor voter” automatic registration for anyone who acquires a state-issued ID or driver’s license. Alabama and Ohio are the only exceptions.
48 states accept absurd forms of identification to register and vote at the polls, including Employee ID Cards, Student ID cards, Fishing Licenses, Bank Statements, Credit Cards with or without a photo, and Social Security cards, which can be acquired by anyone residing in the US, regardless of citizenship status.
81% of Americans favor requiring a Voter ID with citizenship verification to vote!
Stop Biden’s plot to swing battleground states’ election outcomes with illegal voters- stop foreign meddling in our elections!
Call on US Congress and State Representatives to ACT NOW!
The Foundation for Government Integrity
Our team works with policymakers before the start of legislation, provides expertise and testimony when our solutions are being considered, and ensures our policy champions have the tools they need to pass our reforms.