ORS Chapter 255 – Special District Elections: 

Elected 7/1/21:
Position 1 (Board Member):  Shannon Jurasevich
Position 2 (Board Chair): Emily Reed
Position 3 (Board Member):  Dominic Fontana

Elected 7/1/23:
Position 4 (Board Member):  Jamie Nash

(appointed 5/17/22):
Position 5 (Board Member):  Rocky Rodgers

Ph: 541-836-7549

email: northdouglasparsrec@gmail.com
Website: northdouglasparksrec.org
Staff & Board

Elected 7/1/2023:
Position 1, Board Member: Irene Caudill
Position 2: Secretary: Jessica Kinne
Position 3:  Vice President: Rebecca Todd-Miller 
Position 4:  President: Lisa Marie Hammerschmith (appointed 1/10/2023)
Position 5:  Treasurer: Barry Keith McCracken (appointed 7/1/2023)

Website:  sutherlinvalleyrec.com
*Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Sutherlin High School Library.

The Board of Directors of the District shall consist of five members with the Board President and Financial Officer serving 4-year terms and all other Board members serving 2-year terms. No person shall be eligible to be a Board member who is not at the time of election or appointment a resident in the District. Board members shall be identified by a position number. Position 1: Board Member, position 2: Secretary, position 3: Vice President, position 4: President, position 5: Financial Officer. Position numbers shall be transferred to the successors of each Board Member. All Board members shall serve at large.


The election of Board members shall be conducted as provided by ORS Chapter 255.

Position 1:  Vacant
Position 2:  Vacant
Position 3: Darren S Russell (appointed 7/1/23)
Position 4:  Shelby Geyer (appointed 7/1/23)
Position 5:  Doris A Bartlett (Elected 7/1/21)

Yoncalla Parks & Rec District meets the first Tuesday of the month at the community center at 7PM

Facebook Page 
City of Yoncalla

Elected 7/1/21:
Position 1:  Dawn M Lindbert
Position 2: Mike Knight
Position 3: Jess Dailey

Elected 7/1/23:
Position 4: Cindy Wiggans
Position 5:  Linda Stevens

City of Reedsport