SWCDs in Oregon are governed by an independently elected board of directors. Every even-ending year (2020, 2022, 2024, etc), you can look to your ballot and vote for your local SWCD directors.
Douglas County is serviced by two conservation districts:
- Douglas SWCD services all Douglas County Precincts EXCEPT Precincts 1, 3, 4, & 10.
- Umpqua SWCD services Douglas County Precincts 1, 3, 4, & 10. If you are in Douglas County but over between Elkton and the coast, that area is serviced by Umpqua SWCD.
The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) Natural Resources Program oversees the conservation district elections process. Elections for SWCD directors occur every two years. The next General Election is scheduled for November 5, 2024.
About SWCDs

Oregon’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) are special districts which provide for the conservation of the renewable resources of the state. They work with local landowners and residents, natural resource organizations, natural resource users, and local, state, and the federal government to conserve natural resources, control and prevent soil erosion, conserve and develop water resources and water quality, preserve wildlife, conserve natural beauty, and promote collaborative conservation efforts to protect and enhance healthy watershed functions. SWCDs in Oregon are governed by an independently elected board of directors.
The Oregon Department of Agriculture’s SWCD Program provides services to the 45 Soil and Water Conservation Districts throughout Oregon. These services include technical support and limited administrative oversight, with the intent of reducing both liability and risk to the SWCDs and the Oregon Department of Agriculture.
The Oregon Department of Agriculture Soil and Water Conservation District Program offers trainings to help support district operations, directors, and staff. Our staff is also available to provide operational technical assistance by phone, email, or in person. Please contact us with questions. This training fact sheet provides a list of available topics and services.
Find your SWCD and region
- Put your address in the search bar of the SWCD map page to find your district and region.
- For information about each of Oregon’s SWCDs, see the SWCD Directory, updated June 12, 2024.
Training opportunities
Recent training materials, presentations, and recordings can be found in the trainings section of this website.
Regional Directors:

Douglas SWCD District

Above are all the areas that Douglas SWCD serves in Douglas County. All Precincts EXCEPT Precincts 1, 3, 4, & 10 are serviced by Douglas SWCD.
Douglas Soil and Water Conservation District board member positions appear on the November ballot of even numbered years.
The next election to elect Douglas Soil and Water Conservation District board members is November 5, 2024 General Election. All three zones as well as one “at-large” position need to be filled.
SWCDs in Oregon are governed by an independently elected board of directors. Every even-ending year (2020, 2022, 2024, etc), you can look to your ballot and vote for your local SWCD directors. Douglas SWCD is split into three zones, with one director representing each Zone. There are 2 at-large directors as well that can live anywhere within the district. In the event that a director position is not filled during a time outside of the election window — a director can be appointed by the rest of the board to fill in until elections roll around again.
Interested in joining the board of directors?
We recommend you attend one or more board meeting to see what is required of a board member before filing to be on the ballad. This is not required, however. See below for information on how to file candidacy.
Election Filing Information
The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) Natural Resources Program oversees the conservation district elections process. Elections for SWCD directors occur every two years.
Zone 1: John Estill, Term Expires: 2026
Zone 2: Dr. Scott Hendy (Board Director), Term Expires: 2026
Zone 3: David Briggs (District Vice Chairman), Term Expires: 2026
At Large 1: Brenda Epp (Treasurer), Term Expires: 2026
At Large 2: Vacant, Term Expires: 2026 *
Former: Sean Negherbon (District Chairman), Term Expired: 2024
* Appointed by the board to serve until the next general election, regardless of term.
2741 West Harvard Ave
Roseburg, OR 97471
TELEPHONE (541) 900-0354
FAX: (541) 440-0872
Email: office@dswcd.org
Monthly Meeting: 3rd Wednesday – 5 p.m.
Meeting Location: Douglas SWCD Office | 2741 W Harvard Ave | Roseburg, OR 97471
Umpqua Soil & Water Conservation District
Umpqua SWCD is a non-regulatory public service agency dedicated to providing natural resource assistance for private landowners and managers in Northwestern Douglas County. Umpqua SWCD services Douglas County Precincts 1, 3, 4, & 10.
Hours of Operation
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and by appointment.
Contact Information
Address: P.O. Box 415, Reedsport, Oregon 97467
Telephone: (541) 662-1341
Fax: (888) 331-4348
Email: rhonda@umpquasoilandwater.com
Website: www.umpquasoilandwater.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/UmpquaSoilandWaterConservationDistrict
Monthly Meeting: 2nd Thursday – 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Umpqua SWCD Office | 1877 Winchester, Ave. | Reedsport, OR 97467
The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) Natural Resources Program oversees the conservation district elections process. Elections for SWCD directors occur every two years. The next General Election is scheduled for November 5, 2024.
Zone 1 Director: Thomas Black, Term Expires: 2026
Zone 2 Director: Vacant, Term Expires: 2026*
Former: Robert Miller, Term Expires: 2024
Zone 3 Director: Vacant, Term Expires: 2026*
At-Large, Position 1: Nathan E Baumgartner, Term Expires: 2026
At-Large, Position 2: Kathryn E Baumgartner, Term Expires: 2026
* Appointment to be made by the board to serve until the next general election, regardless of term.
* * Appointed by the board to serve until the next general election, regardless of term.
Election & Eligibility Information
The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) Natural Resources Program oversees the conservation district elections process. Elections for SWCD directors occur every two years. The next General Election is scheduled for November 5, 2024.
Candidates and districts must follow specific guidelines to advertise the elections and to have candidates’ applications processed and placed on the ballot. ODA notifies the districts and county clerks which positions are to be on the ballot for election, the procedures to follow, and deadlines needing to be met.
Candidates are responsible for submitting the appropriate paperwork to the local county clerk and ODA. Here are the open positions:
2024 Elections for Umpqua SWCD Board of Directors
When: November 5, 2024
What: Election to elect board directors to the following positions for the Umpqua Soil and Water Conservation District.
- Zone 1: 4 years
- Zone 2: 4 years
- Zone 3: 2 years
- At Large 1: 2 years
- At Large 2: 4 years
Earliest Date to File: July 18, 2024
Forms Due to ODA: August 27, 2024, by 5:00 p.m.
Notice is hereby given that on November 5, 2024, an election will be held to elect board director(s) to the following positions for the Umpqua Soil and Water Conservation District:
- Zone 1: 4 years
- Zone 2: 4 years
- Zone 3: 2 years
- At-Large 1: 2 years
- At-Large 2: 4 years
Zone boundaries, eligibility requirements, and copies of the required election forms may be obtained by emailing rhonda@umpquasoilandwater.com or by calling (541) 662-1341.
Election forms and information may also be found at the Oregon election page
Each candidate must file a “Declaration of Candidacy” and a “Petition for Nomination Signature Sheet” with the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Division. The filing deadline is 5:00 p.m. on August 27, 2024.
The candidate Packet can be found by going to the Oregon.gov website.
Director zone boundaries can be found by looking on the Umpqua SWCD Zone Map or by going to ODA’s interactive Director Zone Map located at the arcGIS website
Requirements for eligibility:
- The eligibility requirements for district directors were significantly changed in SB 775, which was passed in 2023. Please note that as of January 1, 2024, all zone directors must reside in the zone in which they represent. For director eligibility, residency refers to the place in which the candidate is registered to vote.
- Candidates for At Large positions must reside within the boundaries of the SWCD and be a registered voter in that district.
- The other positions on the SWCD boards are Zone positions. Zone directors must be registered voters and reside within the zone they represent. In counties with fewer than 250,000 residents, eligibility requirements also include:
- Own or manage 10 or more acres of land in the zones they represent in the district and be involved in the active management of the land; or
- Indicate an interest in natural resource conservation as demonstrated by serving at least one year as a director or associated director of a district and having a conservation plan that is approved by the district.
Map of the Umpqua Soil and Water Conservation District
SWCD Director Responsibilities:
To effectively exercise the powers and authorities as stated in ORS 568, conservation district boards:
- Identify local conservation needs, programs, and services
- Keep its conservation district’s mission (“reason for being”) in focus
- Work effectively with conservation district staff, cooperating agencies, and partners
- Implement conservation district programs effectively
- Be knowledgeable about laws that govern board operations, such as budget, audit, public meetings, and contracting
- Develop and implement a long-range plan and an annual work plan
- Report to the public on conservation district programs and accomplishments
- Inform legislators and local government officials of conservation district accomplishments
- Recruit, train, and utilize volunteers and associate directors
- Participate with the Oregon Department of Agriculture in a periodic review of conservation district operations
- Recruit new conservation district directors and associate directors
- Seek new partners in conservation efforts
2024 SWCD Director Candidate Packet
P.O. BOX 415, REEDSPORT OR 97467
TELEPHONE (541) 662-1341